Sunday, May 3, 2009

So, yes, it's been quite a while since I've updated my blog page. Give me a break - I'm working part-time (at Clear Choice), going to school more than full time, busy being a mom and a wife. I know many people juggle the same amount of things and more and are able to still maintain their blogs - I'm just not one of them.

With that being said, I'm now going to try once again to keep this page up to date. In April I was asked by my professor (Elizbeth Daniels) to present a poster with her at the Western Psychological Association (WPA) conference. I had been helping her with her research (mostly compiling and coding data that she had already collected) and now it was time to disseminate the findings to the world at large! It was a great experience! Not only did I get some experience in presenting a poster, it was great to listen to some of the amazing speakers and try to narrow my focus for my career. By the way, yes I know I'm slouching in the picture. I have horrible posture and my aunt would be devastated to see that I didn't listen to her as a little girl and straighten up!

As for the rest of life, all is well in the Wartena/Lougy home. Brittany is working (YES she finally got a job)!! She cleans house and makes very good money. She is also paying her own car insurance and gas and learning just how quickly money disappears. Ashley is doing track and doing very well at it! The coach wanted her to do varsity already and she's only a
freshman! She likes it alot and will
probably continue doing it throughout high
school. Josh is doing great as well! He's
enjoying being in 5th grade and is looking
forward to Jr. High next year. He's a great
kid and gets good grades. He is looking forward to being able to play soccer/baseball and football next year.
Justin is doing good too, busy substituting and still looking for a full-time teaching position. Hopefully he will be able to find something for next year. I am truly blessed and have the most amazing family on the planet!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What a pain in the.....TOOTH!

So, Monday January 12th Brittany had all four wisdom teeth removed. She was very anxious about the surgery - she had two teeth that were impacted and two that were partially impacted. Brittany has a little phobia of doctors, IV's, etc....which complicates things when you need to actually have a surgical procedure. She was a trooper though and it only took about an hour. She had a hard time with the anesthesia, so she was throwing up for the first couple of days - which also complicates getting your pain under control (she'd always throw up right after I gave her pain medication). We were finally able to get the nausea under control (thanks to anti-nausea meds) but they just knocked her out and made her a little loopy. So she's had a tough road. Today is day three and she's doing a little better, but still in a lot of pain. She's going to try to go to school tomorrow, but not sure how well that is going to work out. What a brave little soul and it gives me the opportunity to "baby" her and she actually let me! I think it's a good way to remind her that it's ok for her mom to love her and do nice things for her. I only hope that she begins to feel much better very soon because it's also hard as the mom to see your baby in so much pain!